
What is google chrome packages
What is google chrome packages

It’s fast, reliable, and has the looks to fit in with any modern operating system. Make sure that the system is up-to-date with the latest updates.Google Chrome is perhaps the most popular web browser as of late. Gotta pay proper respect to the open-source! Installing Chromium Browserīefore installing Google Chrome, let’s check out the Chromium first. You can install any extension from anywhere.ĭon’t worry we’ll cover both browsers. In the case of Chromium, you’re not bound to the rule. In the case of Chrome, you can only install extensions that are from the Chrome Web Store.Thankfully, Linux Mint is a quite popular one and the team behind is working hard constantly for keeping things happening. In that sense, the updates may depend on your distro’s power. In the case of Chromium, the distro repo may contain the original Chromium software or tweak the source code for better compatibility. So, you’ll get regular updates and other improvements directly from Google. Google Chrome is maintained by Google.Google Chrome is based on Chromium that adds support for other proprietary Google features (AAC, H.264, MP3 support etc.). Chromium Browser is another open-source project like Firefox.But the real difference is deeper within. What’s the difference? Well, in terms of general usage, you won’t find out any difference except a couple features here and there. Now, before we install Google Chrome, it’s worth noticing the fact that there are 2 ways you can enjoy the Chrome browser – getting Chrome directly from Google or installing Chromium – the project Chrome is based on.

What is google chrome packages